Life beyond the free energy principle: how to survive without invariance

28 February 2024

Life beyond the free energy principle: how to survive without invariance

Since emerging onto the stage as ‘a theory of cortical responses’ in 2005[1], Karl Friston’s free energy principle has undergone numerous costume changes. In its most modest dress, it appears as nothing more than a tautological truism[2]: in its most eye-catching ensemble it is “an existential dyad from which everything of interest about life and […]

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The free energy principle—a precis

17 October 2023

The free energy principle—a precis

1. Introduction Here, we present the free energy principle (FEP) in a simple manner to a broad audience. Alongside other cornerstones of mathematical physics—for instance, variational principles such as the principles of stationary action or the principle of maximum entropy—the FEP serves as the basis for a new class of mechanics or mechanical theories (in […]

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New paper: E. Di Paolo, E. Thompson, R. Beer (2022), Laying down a forking path: Tensions between enaction and the free energy principle

10 November 2022

New paper: E. Di Paolo, E. Thompson, R. Beer (2022), Laying down a forking path: Tensions between enaction and the free energy principle

Published open-access on Philosophy and the Mind Sciences Abstract: Several authors have made claims about the compatibility between the Free Energy Principle (FEP) and theories of autopoiesis and enaction. Many see these theories as natural partners or as making similar statements about the nature of biological and cognitive systems. We critically examine these claims and […]

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