What do we want from Jakob von Uexküll? Two Reading Recommendations on Open and Closed Umwelten

15 November 2022

What do we want from Jakob von Uexküll? Two Reading Recommendations on Open and Closed Umwelten

An opinionated, partial review of: Köchy, Kristian and Francesca Michelini (eds.) (2019), Jakob von Uexküll and Philosophy: Life, Environments, Anthropology, New York: Routledge. Schnödl, Gottfried, and Florian Sprenger (2021), Uexküll’s Surroundings: Umwelt Theory and Right-Wing Thought, Lüneburg: meson press eG. Reading Uexküll in the 2020s The work of Jakob von Uexküll’s has seen a remarkable […]

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