16/12/2024 — 29 rue d’Ulm, Centre Cavaillès, École Normale Supérieure, Paris.
Workshop organization: Maël Montévil, Anton Robert.
What understanding does the closure of constraints bring about a biological system in practices? Without discussing particular cases, one cannot answer this question. The goal of this workshop is to bring together and synthesize individual modeling experiences in physiology and ecology to establish perspectives of research collectively regarding organization in biology, sensu closure of constraints.
This workshop is intended to a specialized audience. We encourage speakers to present models or modeling methods, and share critical reflections on their work and the difficulties encountered. Identifying achievements, open questions, perspectives, and experimental, conceptual or technical difficulties is the main goal of this meeting.
Additionally to relatively short Q&A sessions, a general discussion will synthesize the main points raised during the day. This synthesis will be transcribed and shared with the participants after the workshop.
11:00 — Giampaolo Folena (Sapienza University of Rome). Searching for elementary forms of closure in an algorithmic chemistry
11:25 — Maël Montévil (République des Savoirs, CNRS and ENS). Disruption of plant-pollinators interactions
11:50 — Anton Robert (République des Savoirs, ENS). Organizing mathematical descriptions
12:15 — Intermediate discussion
13:00 — Lunch
14:30 — Ana Soto (Tufts University) and Maël Montévil. Modeling Mammary Gland Morphogenesis from first principles.
14:55 — Charbel N. El-Hani (Institute of Biology, Federal University of Bahia). Closure of constraints and individuation of ecological systems
15:20 — Paulo Inácio Prado (São Paulo University). Applying closure of constraints to model consumer-resource dynamics
15:45 — Intermediate discussion
16:25 — Coffee break
16:40 — Ana Soto and Matteo Mossio (IHPST, CNRS and Paris 1). Glycemia regulation from an organizational perspective
17:05 — Ítalo Nascimento de Carvalho and Clarissa Leite (Institute of Biol-
ogy, Federal University of Bahia). Title tbd.
17:30 — Intermediate discussion
18:00 — Break
18:10 — General discussion
19:30 — End – dinner for the speakers
For online participation, please contact one of the two organizers: {anton.robert, mael.montevil}@ens.psl.eu