We are pleased to announce the call for abstract for this Conference, on the relation between the Marxian tradition and the left-Sellarsian Pittsburgh School, to be held at University College London.
Thee conference aims to build a dialogical space between Marxism and the Pittsburgh School in this conference and thus extend this call for papers.
Suggested topics include:
- How does Marxism complicate or challenge the Sellarsian distinction between “the space of reasons” and “the realm of law”?
- How should Marxism be positioned with respect to “the manifest image” and “the scientific image”?
- Can the space of reasons encompass dialectics?
- How might Marxists critically assess McDowell’s distinction between “first nature” and “second nature”?
- What might a Marxist reading of Brandom’s Hegel look like? Does Brandom’s Hegel invite or foreclose such a reading?
- Is there a bridge from rule-following to a Marxist pedagogy?
- What kinds of traction can world pictures constituted within the space of reasons have in changing the reality of social relations?
- How could the Pittsburgh School contribute to our understanding of ideology?
- How do Marxist and Sellarsian conceptions of science relate, and is the latter compatible with historical materialism?
- How could one accommodate real abstraction within the categorial fabric of a Pittsburgh-influenced approach?
Please send a 500 word abstract by 30th March to: submissions@marxismandpittsburgh.org.
Deadline: March 30th
June 10th-12th
The New Centre for Research & Practice & The Centre for Philosophy of Education at the Institute of Education, University College London