Call for abstract for a conference to be held at the University of Granada on June 25th-27th. Confirmed speakers include Alva Noë, Louise Barrett, Dan Hutto, Tony Chemero, Glenda Satne, Annemarie Kalis, Carls Sachs, Luis Favela, and Gloria Andrada. Deadline for abstract submission is February 28th.

Here the description from the conference website: The embodied and situated cognitive sciences (enaction, extended mind, ecological psychology, etc.) have generally been considered to find inspiration in different philosophical traditions, such as pragmatism or phenomenology. Despite the enormous influence of analytic philosophy, few works have been devoted to emphasize and make explicit the connections, tensions, complementarities or overlaps between analytic philosophy and the embodied and situated perspectives in the cognitive sciences. For this reason, this three-days workshop will be focused on establishing a fruitful dialogue between embodied-embedded cognition and the analytic tradition in philosophy (widely understood).

More info here.