Emiliano Sfara

Emiliano Sfara is Postdoc at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. His main research interests focus on the influences of Kant’s ideas of organism in Georges Canguilhem’s philosophy of medicine and biology. The theoretical interconnections between philosophy of science, philosophy of action and philosophy of artistic creation in Canguilhem’s thought oriented his previous doctoral and postdoctoral investigations in France (IHPST of Paris, Université Montpellier 3), Italy (Università della Calabria), Brazil (Universidade de São Paulo) and Canada (CIRST, Université du Québec à Montréal). The application, from an organizational perspective, of the concepts of normal and pathological to ecosystems will be an important research topic for him in the years to come.

Contact: emiliano.sfara@gmail.com

Posts by Emiliano Sfara

On hemianopsia, vision and adaptive reactions in organism’s pathological states

29 November 2022

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