Ana María Guzmán

Ana María Guzmán is a research associate at the Center for Advanced Studies Käte Hamburger Kolleg: Culture of Research Aachen, lecturer at the Chair for Theory of Science and Philosophy of Technology at RWTH Aachen, and PhD Candidate at the University of Bonn. In 2017 she completed her studies in Philosophy at the UNAM, Mexico (BA) and the Freie Universität Berlin (MA). In 2013 she also completed a specialization on Interdisciplinary Artistic Research at the CNA, Mexico. Since 2013 she has been collaborating with the Project Seminario de Tecnologías Filosóficas. She was Research Assistant for the project Technosphere at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin. Her Dissertation “Within Nature: Hegel’s Local Determination of Thought” deals with the conditions for the intelligibility of nature within Hegel’s Logic and Philosophy of Nature. Her research interests are German Idealism (Schelling / Hegel), Theories of Political Action (Rancière, Butler, Arendt, Bloch), (Techno)Feminism, technologies of desire, and Philosophy of Technology (Gilbert Simondon, Gotthard Günther).


Posts by Ana María Guzmán

Operational Dialectics: Gotthard Günther’s Cybernetic Systems

31 October 2023

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